Azrieli and the financial institutions led the TASE reduced today as Teva threw the marketplace.
The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange dropped today.The Tel Aviv 35 Index dropped 0.71%, to 2.045.64 factors, the Tel Aviv 125 Index dropped 0.72% to 2,029.03 factors; and the BlueTechGlobal Index dropped 0.99% to 409.25 factors. The All Bond business bond index dropped 0.17 %to 384.00 factors.(* )amounted to NIS 1.80 billion in equities and NIS 2.92 billion in bonds.Turnover
.(* )the fx market, the
On established the depictive shekel-dollar price up 0.758% from Bank, at NIS 3.722/$, and the depictive shekel-euro price was established 1.1% greater at NIS 4.138/ EURIsrael
. (* ).
plunges even more as advice
CFO leaving(

Maytronics (TASE:
) led the marketplace today, dropping 0.99% on the day’s greatest trading turn over.
Bank Leumi POLI) dropped 1.05%,
dropped 1.31% andBank Hapoalim (TASE: DSCT) dropped 1.01 %.Mizrahi Tefahot Bank
. Israel Discount Bank (TASE: AZRG) dropped 3.05% for the greatest loss on the 35 today.
Azrieli Group ICL Tel Aviv: NYSE: Index ICLICL) dropped 0.95%,
( : ESLT; TASE: Elbit Systems Ltd. ESLTNasdaq) dropped 0.95% and (: WONDERFUL ; TASE: NICE Systems Ltd. WONDERFULNasdaq) dropped 1.72%.
.(: TSEM
Tower Semiconductor Ltd. TSEMNasdaq) climbed 2.85% for the greatest loss on the 35 today.( NYSE: TEVATel Aviv; TASE:Index TEVATeva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.) climbed 1.80 % and
.( LSE: ENOG; TASE: ENOG) climbed 1.80 %.
. of the
Outside MTRNTel Aviv) dropped 21.11 % after reporting frustrating 2nd quarter outcomes and reducing 2024 advice.
. Maytronics Ltd.