Wed: Ceasefire talks predicament spooks TASE



    Azrieli and the financial institutions led the TASE reduced today as Teva threw the marketplace.




    The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange dropped today.The Tel Aviv 35 Index dropped 0.71%, to 2.045.64 factors, the Tel Aviv 125 Index dropped 0.72% to 2,029.03 factors; and the BlueTechGlobal Index dropped 0.99% to 409.25 factors. The All Bond business bond index dropped 0.17 %to 384.00 factors.(* )amounted to NIS 1.80 billion in equities and NIS 2.92 billion in bonds.Turnover

    .(* )the fx market, the


    On established the depictive shekel-dollar price up 0.758% from Bank, at NIS 3.722/$, and the depictive shekel-euro price was established 1.1% greater at NIS 4.138/ EURIsrael








    Bank Leumi POLI) dropped 1.05%,
    dropped 1.31% andBank Hapoalim (TASE: DSCT) dropped 1.01 %.Mizrahi Tefahot Bank
    . Israel Discount Bank (TASE: AZRG) dropped 3.05% for the greatest loss on the 35 today.

    ( TASE:

    Azrieli Group ICL Tel Aviv: NYSE: Index ICLICL) dropped 0.95%,
    : ESLT; TASE: Elbit Systems Ltd. ESLTNasdaq) dropped 0.95% and (: WONDERFUL ; TASE: NICE Systems Ltd. WONDERFULNasdaq) dropped 1.72%.

    (: TSEM

    ; TASE:

    Tower Semiconductor Ltd. TSEMNasdaq) climbed 2.85% for the greatest loss on the 35 today.( NYSE: TEVATel Aviv; TASE:Index TEVATeva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.) climbed 1.80 % and
    ( LSE: ENOG; TASE: ENOG) climbed 1.80 %.
    of the


    Energean plc

    ( TASE:

    Outside MTRNTel Aviv) dropped 21.11 % after reporting frustrating 2nd quarter outcomes and reducing 2024 advice.
    . Maytronics Ltd.

