Jaipur: BJP state president Madan Rathore, whereas giving an announcement relating to the risk, mentioned that the individual making the risk has been caught. There is not any want to extend safety, it’s already supplied. The accused informed that he was taking the title of Naresh Meena. I had nothing to do with the Naresh Meena case both. Then I do not know why you referred to as? The poison of medication is spreading in areas like Ganganagar and so on. want to regulate this
The difficulty of killing me might be severe. There may be a conspiracy. Although I take it flippantly. But I can say this a lot that the one who threatened to kill on the cellphone was educated. Found out that he has been the PA of a frontrunner. The police is getting details about your entire matter.
Regarding the brand new staff of state BJP, he mentioned {that a} new staff may also emerge. Who did good work within the by-elections. He may also get a reward. Reshuffle and extension of the Council of Ministers is the prerogative of the Chief Minister.