Lokesh Sharma arrested in cyber fraud, police took him to Hyderabad in a case of fraud value crores of rupees



    Rajasthan News: Didwana police has achieved an enormous success within the case of cyber fraud. Didwana police has arrested Lokesh Sharma, who dedicated cyber fraud of crores of rupees in Hyderabad. According to the police, a number of instances of cyber fraud value crores of rupees are registered towards the accused in lots of police stations of Hyderabad. Mobile, SIM card, exhausting disk and different objects have been recovered from the accused.

    Police caught him from Didwana

    Cyber ​​Security Bureau Hyderabad and Didwana Police took joint motion and arrested Lokesh Sharma from Didwana. Mobile, SIM card, exhausting disk and several other diaries containing transaction particulars have additionally been recovered from the accused Lokesh. Didwana Police Station Officer Nandlal Rinwa stated that the accused Lokesh Sharma is a resident of Kerap village of Khunkhuna Police Station space of ​​Didwana and runs an e-mitra store in Balaji Market of Didwana.

    The crew arrested him and took him to Hyderabad

    It is alleged that Lokesh Sharma had dedicated cyber fraud value crores of rupees in lots of police station areas of Hyderabad and Karimnagar. In relation to which many instances are registered within the native police stations there. While looking for this accused, the crew of Cyber ​​Security Bureau Hyderabad reached Didwana in the present day. After this, with the assistance of Didwana Police, the accused Lokesh Sharma was arrested. After this, the crew of Cyber ​​Security Bureau left for Hyderabad with the accused.

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