CM Bhajanlal Sharma reached Jaipur after finishing his overseas tour, Deputy CM Diya Kumari and members of the Council of Ministers welcomed him



    Jaipur : Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma has reached Jaipur after finishing his overseas tour. Bhajan Lal Sharma has returned to Jaipur after visiting South Korea and Japan. During this, Deputy CM Diya Kumari and members of the Council of Ministers welcomed him on the airport.

    A lot of employees are current from the airport to the BJP workplace to welcome the CM. As quickly as CM Bhajan Lal got here out of the airport, the excited employees raised slogans.

    Some employees welcomed CM Bhajan Lal Sharma by giving him a bouquet of flowers, whereas some welcomed him by making him put on a shawl. CM Bhajan Lal Sharma additionally smiled and accepted everybody’s greetings with folded palms. The employees offered a mace to the CM on the welcome stage outdoors the airport.

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