Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma reached Sangliya Dhuni and took blessings from Peethadheeshwar Omdas Ji Maharaj



    Sikar: Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma has reached Sangliya Dhuni. Bhajanlal Sharma reached Sangliya by way of helicopter from Jaipur. Where he’ll take part within the twenty third loss of life anniversary program of Khinwadas Ji Maharaj.

    Revenue Minister Vijay Singh Chaudhary can be current with him. After providing prayers at Dhuni Mata, CM Bhajanlal Sharma and Revenue Minister Vijay Singh Chaudhary took blessings from Peethadheeshwar Omdas Ji Maharaj.

    Maharaj Shri honoured CM Bhajanlal Sharma by draping a shawl on him. Swami Omdas Ji Maharaj is discussing with Bhajanlal Sharma and Revenue Minister Vijay Singh Chaudhary in his personal ashram.

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