Anupgarh Police took main motion in NDPS, about 10 kg 182 grams of Doda poppy recovered, a smuggler arrested.



    Anupgarh: Anupgarh Police has taken main motion in NDPS. About 10 kg 182 grams of doda poppy has been recovered. While a smuggler has been arrested. The 18 wheeler trailer, the automobile utilized by the accused whereas intoxicated, has additionally been seized.

    It is being advised that Doda poppy was being smuggled by the accused below the guise of coal. In such a state of affairs, on receiving details about the case, Anupgarh Police Station Officer Anil Kumar, ASI Tulsiram May Japta took motion. The motion was carried out close to the hyperlink street of 20A village close to Anupgarh BSF canal situated on National Highway-911. Accused Sukhdev Singh is a resident of Ward 3 Anupgarh.

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