Climate and environment take a rear- DW- 02/17/2025


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    When the Coalition Government Compising the Center-Left Social Democratic Party (SPD), Greens and Neoliberal Free Democratic Party (FDP) Emerged after the Last German Federal Federal Election within the Fall of 2021, Incoming Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) Did not Object to Belg Called the “Climate Chancellor.” That was not a shock: The Climate Crisis Had Been a Top Issue During the Election Campaign.

    The New Government Made the Fight Against Climate Change A Task For the Economy Ministry and Appointed Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck From the Greens As Its Head.

    Three and a Half Years Later, Campaign Speeches Barely Mention Climate Protection the Leading Concerne are precisely how How to Suppress Unven Migration and Exactly How To Enhany’s Slow-Moving Economic Situation.

    Climate Change Takes Back Seat in Germany’s 2025 Election

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    Skeptical View of Renewable Energy

    The Head of the Center-Rongt Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Friedrich Merz-Who, According to the Polls, Is many LIKOME THE NEXT GERMAN CHANCELLOR-HAS OFTEN SAID That Germany’s Approximately 29,000 ELECTRICITY-Wind Turbines are a thorn in his aspect .

    In November 2024, Merz Told Public Broadcaster ZDF, “I Even Believe That IF We Do Things Right, We Can One Day Dismantle the Wind Turbines Again – Because They are ugly.”

    The CDU/CSU Bloc Believes in Nuclear Fusion as an Energy Source, Although Technological Development in This Field Has Actually Stammed for Years. Last Year, Electricity Generation from Renewable Sources Search as Solar and Wind Accounted for Around 56% of German Energy Production.

    Merz, However, ie desires to revitalize nuclear reactor, the final of which went offline in 2023. The nation’s goal of minimizing greenhouse gasoline by 65% ​​by 2030, in comparison with 1990 ranges, shouldn’t be element of the CDU/csu’s methods.

    “The fact that the escalating climate crisis is not Among the Parties’ Top Three Issues in This Election Campaign is Incompressible and Erresponsible,” Martin Kaiser, to Environment Professional With The Ecological Company Greenpeace, Told DW. “Because Right Now, We Need a Consistent and Social-Oriented Climate Policy.”

    Rügen Residents Protest LNG Terminal Growth in Baltic Sea

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    Oil and Gas from the United States

    Recently, The Environmental Group World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) What Appalled When German Chanman Chanman Scholz Expressed Amporting Oil and Liquefied Gas From The Us In A Meeting With The German Newspaper Handelsblatt Scholz, arguing that Increasing Imports would Certainly Lower Energy Prices.

    However, Heike Vesper, One of the Managing Directors of WWF Germany, Said, “More Oil and Gas on the World Market Oild Mean One Thing: Fueling the Climate Crisis. The Consequences Wood Costing Billion – and An Unstable Economy. ”

    Climate Protection Remains One of the Greens’ Central Concerns.

    “I Find it negligent that the other parties are now arguing against climate protection,” Environment Minister Steffi Lemke of the Greens Told DW. “We know that we need climate protection and adaptation to climate change.”

    Climate Policy Setbacks

    Kaiser, The Greenpeace Expert, Believes the Climate Balance of the Now Defunct German Government Coalition of SPD, Greens and FDP is severe. Hey that Response to Russia’s War of Aggression on Ukraine and to the Constitutional Court’s Ruling that Led to a lower within the Spending Plan Massively Damaged Confidence Especialy within the Government’s Climate Policies.

    In November 2023, the Court that the Federal Government was not permedia to utilize round EUR 60 Billion ($ 62 Billion) of Funds it had really allotted for Environment Security. That found had really initially be alloted to combating the monetary impression of the covid-13 pandemic, but the courtroom that realocating the finds for a numerous operate was not possible.

    In motion to that Judgment, The Government Cut, Among Other Things, a Purchase Premium for Electric Cars, which led gross sales to occasion.

    In 2023, Economy Minister Habeck’s Plans for A Brand-New Regulation to Eliminate Nonrenewable Fuel Source Heating Unit Were Dripped. IT Stulated that Starting in 2024, Heating Systems in New Buildings Should Be Powered Byrenewable Energy This Regulation was Disputed Passionately for Months by the Federal Government and The General Public, and What Ultimate Take On With Significant Changes Reducing The Expenense on Specific Houses. Habeck and his Green Party Saw Their Approval Ratings Fall.

    Kaiser Added that the FDP-LED Ministries of Transport and Construction So Failed to Develop Measures to Reduce Carbon Dioxideemissions Hey Said that their firm from the spd and greens Let Them Get Away With It, the Coalition May Break Apart.

    Is it far too late to fulfill the goals of the paris accord?

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    In the Election Campaign Before the February 23 Vote, Climate Protection Has Taken A Back Seat Despite Frequent Reports of Storms and Flood Disasters Linked to Climate Change and the Rapid Rise in Temperature and Sea Levels Worldwide.

    “Whhenever the Next Extreme Weather Event Occurs – The Next Flood in Bavaria, For Example – that WE Will Again Realize that it is all Happening very Close to Home,” Lisa Badum, A Climate Expert for the Greens Parliatary Group within the Bundestag, Germany’s Lower House of Parliament, Pointed Out

    “When we look at the International Stage and See Donald Trump Has Withdrawn From The Un Climate Agreement – It is ever more imported that Europe Moves Forward. And that Won’t Happen Without Germany. ”

    This write-up what initially in German.

    While You’re Right right here: Every Tuesday, DW Editor Round Up What Happening in German Politics AndSociety You Can Subscribe Right right here for the Weekly E-Newsletter Berlin Instruction.

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