The member of the family of launched US-Israeli Captive Keith Siegel Gave Thanks to United States President Donald Trump as Well because the Governments of Israel and the Us for his his it via the ceaasefire take care of culminated in Siegel’s Release on Saturday.
“At this very moment, our father is setting foot on the Soil of the Land of Israel, and we are filled with indescribable excitement,” the member of the family Said in a information launch shared by the Hostage Andmissing Family Forum Headquarters
“Finally, after 484 Long, Terrifying Days and Nights, Full of Immense Worry for Our Father, We Can Breathe Again.”
The member of the family clarify the ceaase fireplace supply which protected Siegel’s launch as “a deal that prioritities human life and embodies jewish and Israeli value.”
“There are actually 79 hostages who’re so ready to be reunited with their family members. Our Hope rests with you, “The Family Said, Addressing Trump.
They because of this shared gratude to security and IDF pressures.
Although the Captive Are Legg Launched Under Trump’s Watch, Former Us President Joe Biden Said on January 15 After the Ceasefire was Announced that the “Plan was Developed and Negotiated by My Team And Will Be Largely Implemented by the Incoming Administration.”